- বিআরবি হসপিটালস লিমিটেড, পান্থপথ ঢাকায় অবস্থিত একটি আন্তর্জাতিক মানের কর্পোরেট হাসপাতাল । দিন-রাত ২৪ ঘন্টা জরুরী চিকিৎসা সেবা-সহ দেশ সেরা বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার ও সর্বাধুনিক প্রযুক্তি নিয়ে আমরা আছি আপনার পাশে। বাংলাদেশের স্বনামধন্য বিশেষজ্ঞ চিকিৎসকগন রোগীদের সার্জারি-সহ সকল রোগের চিকিৎসা সেবা নিয়মিত প্রদান করছেন। এপয়েন্টমেন্ট এর জন্য কল করুন: ১০৬৪৭ .
Welcome to
BRB Hospitals
Hospitals Limited is an International Standard Corporate Hospital with the
facilities of ‘Center of Excellence’. The Center of Excellences are Gastro
Liver Center, Mother & Child Care Center, Brain & Spine Center,
Nephrology & Urology Center, Bone & Joint Center, Dental Center and
other Ultra-modern ancillary & specialized services supported by Internal
Medicine, Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic-Surgery, Medical Oncology, Cardiology,
Respiratory Medicine, Endocrinology
& Diabetology, General & Laparoscopic Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Breast Surgery, Hematology/Transfusion
Medicine, ENT Head & Neck Surgery, Burn and Plastic & Reconstructive
Surgery, Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, Dermatology, Physical Medicine and
Laboratory Medicine.

Our Doctors
24/7 Emergency Services
State of the Art Treatment Facility
All types of Health Checkup
Highly Skilled and Experience Doctors
Healthcare at affordable Cost

24/7 Emergency Services
ICU, CCU, HDU, Neuro ICU, Neuro HDU
Accute Heart Attack
Heart Failure Treatment
Coronary Heart Disease
ECG/ECHO/ETT Treatment

Comprehensive Care by Skilled Doctor’s & Nurses
Dedicated Nephrology Expert
Worldclass Dialysis Center
Extra Care for Kidney Transplant Patient
Treatment at Affordable Price

Comprehensive Care by Skilled Doctor’s & Nurses
Dedicated Nephrology Expert
Worldclass Dialysis Center
Extra Care for Kidney Transplant Patient
Treatment at Affordable Price
Liver Surgery
Gallbladder and Biliary Surgery
Biliary Re-Construction
Pancreas Surgery
Countries Best Liver Surgeons

Normal Delivery
Painless Normal Delivery
Sate-of-the Art OT & Labor Room
24/7 Epidural done by Experience Anesthologist
Ultimate Guidance to your Parenthood
Affordable cost with Best Services

We are the best
Because we care
BRB Hospitals Ltd. is a 350 bedded five star boutique hotel like hospital that provides various ‘Centres of Excellence’, specialized services and other ancillary supported by laboratory Medicine, Blood Transfusion Medicine, Radiology & Imaging, Gastroenterology Day Care, Medical Oncology Day Care, Haemodialysis and critical care services (ICU, HDU, CCU, Neuro ICU, Neuro HDU & NICU). And also 24 hours emergency. Each center of excellence is designed in.

We provide
Best Quality Medical Treatment
We have
Highly Qualified Doctors

Our services are
Available 24/7
Our support
Care Line 10647
Always Available